Keep Moving Forward

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Who is ever expereinced failure ? All people have ever expereinced a humuliated failure, even in some cases there are a lot of people who done something stupid because of their failure. There was a case in a town in Indonesia, which there was a mother who killed her children, because her bussines was bankrupt and made her in a lot of pressure about how she can pay for the tuition of the children and made her did something really stupid, killed her own children and then suicide.
That day, there was a family who die in vain. I don’t know where they heading to after they dead like that, but their death is really unnecessary. It is true a failure is so hurt, I often see news about people who is suicide after they expereinced failure, but do you know, our life is in God’s hand (Isiah 55 : 8), God knows and understand what we will face in the future, even He lets something bad happen to us not only because He knows that we can surpass it but He wants to teach us for us become mature enough to inherit all things that He wants us to have, like autority, power, and prosperity. But evil against that, so he always accuses all of you, accuses you for your failure and push you down with it. And it is your decision to fall in his trap or to rise and shine.

I hope, we understand God’s desire and His plan for us. Fall and fail is hurt, yes. Even maybe make us afraid to go out from our house because we are to embrass to face people around us. But I believe, you can surpass it because you are stronger than that (I Cor 10 : 13), because you are the child of God, The Mighty God, a prince or princess from The King Of Universe. Believe that His eyes always watch for you, belive that The Guardian Of Israel is never sleep, His eyes always on you (2 Chornicle 16 : 9). Can you believe Him and keep running to chase your destiny in Him, don’t care what obstacle that you need face, don’t care what people will say about you in the future, can you trust His plan (Jeremiah 11 : 29), for there is an end and expectation shall not be cut off from you  (Proverbs 23 : 18), and for He is the same God, the God who led Israel out form Egypt and enter their promise land. For He is the same God who took Joseph to be a prime minister of Egypt, the same God who made David to be the king of Israel and the world to bow before him. So don’t ever give up, whatever the obstacle, whatever the circumtances, and whatever that want to take you down face it and believe God, in His strength you will win the battle of faith. Amien.